Our services
What is the United States version of Lineage
The United States version of Lineage servers differ from those in other countries.
They feature unique equipment, weapons, items, monsters, and trials.
Due to the absence of item-locking and these special characteristics, they are highly favored by players both domestically and internationally.
Server Features
No swing lag
No MP regen bug
Reduced junk drops
Several major exploits eliminated
Automatic database backups
Account management
Medium rates
Stable and long term
lineagereal server is not an official lineagereal game server and is provided for informational purposes only. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The game is developed by the company NC SOFT.
The server of this site is located in the United States, and there is no agent in the local paradise. If the player has an agent operating there, please go to the server of the local agent to play.